Sunday, January 25, 2009

we are young and good looking, happy rock'roll family

Finally something new. I've been drawing a lot of tattoo flashes, given the fact that i would LOOOOOOOVE to start learning that form of art. here is my first sheet, they are all about mind control + general collapse and they are funny because there is a bunch of written messages to be only one sheet. they probably are even controversial.
doing tattoo flashes i noticed that you can apply at least two methods. one, being very realistic about how the real tattoo would be and don't add any colors or linework that would not fit on the skin. two, be a little more free and if you'll get to do the actual tattoo, you'll figure it out at the moment, changing what doesn't look right.
I've been experiencing both the perspectives, i'll post some more later.
Other than, that, been riding my beautiful new bike, ursula, breaking bones and body parts at yoga (in a good way though), serving vegan foods in a vegan food place.
A new painting is on its way. so far, only between my eyes on the inside, but soon it will take accessible way to the out world.

1 comment:

Luca said...

holy crapper! the flashes look great! I mean it!
ricevuto la tua mail. nice to hear some news but it was a little disturbing. ne parliamo in privato. domani ti scrivo, ho un papiro sulle avventure asiatiche che ti sguinzagliero` addosso. do you like my romanglish?